Friday, December 28, 2007

The incovenient convenience

How quickly we become acclimated to changes in technology. The pervasiveness of cell phones today often causes me to wonder how people did without these things that seem attached to their ears. What do they have to talk about that occupies them for such long periods of time? Were things so much less important a dozen years ago?

But I digress. I've gotten as used to technological convenience as the next guy (depending, I suppose, on who that next guy is), including the ability to pay my bills online. Car loan, auto insurance--all paid online. Since Comcast provides my cable, telephone, and internet, that's one easy payment. Who needs stamps? Well, suddenly, payment to Comcast isn't quite so easy. The company's retooled their access to bill paying, and I seem to have fallen into a massive glitch in the new program. I can't log-in to my account, which means I can't pay my bills, and I've spent--quite literally--several hours on the phone, sometimes on hold but often working with a series of frustrated customer service representatives and technicians who are unable to figure out exactly how to get me into my account so that I can pay my bill.

How easy to take ease for granted--until, of course, the technology fails. If worse comes to worst, I've still got actual paper checks and a stamp.

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